Mind Conquest

As I mentioned in this morning’s post, I attempted to withhold from purchasing Mind Conquest as I am struggling to come up with two recordings to give her. By the time that I had finished that blog post, Mind Conquest was already downloading.

Domina Shelle is a bit vague in Her description as She seems to enjoy; however, I went into my first surrender expecting it to be a release recording. As an aside, it is amusing to me that when I first found Domina Shelle, I longed for a way to obtain the files without seeing the descriptions; but now, I eagerly read them just to “hear” more of Domina’s voice. Upon awaking from my first listen to Mind Conquest, I immediately restarted it on a loop and went back under for an hour.

Now to try this again now that I am back after listening to another three “episode” loop. Domina’s conditioning is starting to really take a hold of me. Trances while training with Mind Conquest are some of the deepest I ever experienced. All of those R bubbles had me completely relaxed and beyond. I was disappointed with myself that the A bubbles barely aroused me the first four listens; however, I awoke from the last three listens dripping within viewing distance of the edge.

It is such a turn on to see changes that quickly. Being on the edge craving to please my Domina is my favorite place to be. It is also a place that I crave to be in for longer and longer periods of time with the ultimate fantasy being 24/7 365 days of the year.

This session is a sweet lead into a very erotic Christmas-New Year journey…These next weeks are going to be a HYPNOTIC Ride to remember.

Domina Shelle

Okay, I am off to surrender into another set of three. This recording seems to be laced with something… the feeling of losing control only makes me crave the recording even more. If Domina Shelle is calling Mind Conquest the sweet lead, I cannot wait to discover how enslaved to Her I will be in the upcoming year!

Recordings Mentioned